The Truth About Breast Sagging

sagging breasts orange countyCan constantly wearing a bra keep your breasts from sagging over time? How about performing certain chest exercises, such as push-ups?

Is there, in fact, anything at all we can do to combat breast sag (known in the medical world as “ptosis”)? Below, our board-certified plastic surgeon – Daniel C. Mills, MD, FACS – offers expert insight into this common question.

Ptosis can occur in various degrees (known as “grades”) and has a number of potential causes. Though breastfeeding is often blamed for sagging, weight gain and the increase of hormones during pregnancy are typically the actual culprits. Additionally, exposure to the sun’s UV rays, eating a fat-rich diet, smoking, and other poor lifestyle habits can play major roles in the development of breast drooping.

Despite a number of unjustified claims about how to prevent ptosis, breast sagging is an inevitable part of the aging process. Breasts are made up of collagen and elastin, which break down as you age. The connective fibrous bands in this part of the body, called Cooper’s ligaments, can give way and cause drooping of the breast tissue; ergo, the dreaded sagging effect.

Dr. Mills continues: “A bra will hold up your breasts to give you the shape and look you want, but it can’t prevent further sagging, which is caused by age and gravity.” As for exercises, push-ups can help strengthen the supportive Cooper’s ligaments; however, Dr. Mills explains that chest workouts will not actually reduce sagging, as breasts are composed of fatty tissue rather than muscle.

Moreover, if you are experiencing breast sagging, breast lift surgery may be an excellent option. This procedure can provide the youthful contour, projection, and “lift” that many women want to regain.

To find out if breast lift surgery or another potential solution may be right for you, contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Editor’s note: This blog was originally posted on January 6th, 2015

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